Thursday, February 20, 2014

On a New Wagon

Remember in the Bible when David had been established in his kingship, and they recovered the Ark of the Covenant from the Philistines, and they were bringing it back it to Israel?

For me, it's always been too easy to say "why did they put it on a wagon?"   We know after the fact that the Ark was only to be carried by certain people, and using two long poles operated by four men.

As we know, it turned out pretty bad when "Uzzah thrust his hand out to the Ark of the true God and grabbed hold of it, for the cattle nearly upset it" and he died for disobediently touching the ark.

When doing Bible reading it can enhance the pleasure to "share the treasure" and here's something I found recently:

It's not such a crazy idea to use a wagon, because Jehovah accepted the use of wagons in transporting the items on the Tabernacle:

Of course, at that same time, they were specifically told this:

I always like to identify with "the bad guy" because then I can learn from his mistakes and endeavor to be "the good guy"

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