Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Not one falls without your Father's knowledge

Today at break time I was sitting on a park bench watching a little bird hunt.

He was black with a little white tuxedo chest and he'd sit on the back of another bench watching the grass.

Then he'd fly down and grab an insect, returning to his bench back.

Probably a Black Phoebe, this little flycatcher was a delight to watch.

Once he needed to fly down right below the bench, so instead of using his wings, I saw him just hop off the back of the bench.  He broke his fall with flapping at the ground, though, but it reminded me of one of my favorite Bible facts:
"But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it" (Matthew 10:29, New Living Translation)
As a child I thought this was a sad scripture, because "the birdy dies".

Then came the commentary (in one of our magazines) that "fall to the ground" may not mean "falling because it's dead" but could just mean "fall to the ground to eat stuff".


The sparrow didn't die!

So watching the Black Phoebe "fall" off the bench to get to the ground reminded me of that.

Then it hit me pretty hard:

If Jehovah was aware of the little bird jumping off the bench to get something to eat... he knows all about me and what I was doing and thinking and feeling.

Very scary but motivating indeed.

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