Monday, December 30, 2013

No, Sir, I have to do that for you

Weird law in California.

At self-checkouts you can't buy your own alcoholic beverages.

Up until recently yeah sure you swipe that bottle of cheap wine and you'll get an APPROVAL NEEDED notification and the store person comes over and either checks your ID or in my case sees my face and grey hair and then types in their ID-checked-OK approval code.

No more.

They have to take the bottle out your hands and scan it themselves.  Then they take the cash out of your hands and stick it in the machine.  Unless you're using a card then they let you swipe it all by yourself.

I have seen this happen at Fresh and Easy (of course, they're all self-check) and also at Ralph's in the self-check aisle.

Musta been some kids gettin away with somethin?

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