Sunday, December 29, 2013


Our group hosted the public speaker today.

It was good!

Phil's BBQ in Santee.  One of the sisters had a years-old gift card worth $70 which we utilized.

Bro. Ferrer told an experience (not necessarily him that this happened to) about his favorite scripture which is Malachi 3:10.  That's the one where Jehovah invited the Israelites to bring in the 10th and see if he wouldn't pour out a blessing upon them until there was no more want.

A brother with a baby had only $5.

He figured he could go put $5 in the gas tank and go in field service.  Or go buy infant formula for his baby.

Although he loved his baby, he also knew Jehovah's personality and said "Jehovah will provide".

He put the $5 in the gas tank and went in the ministry.

One of the householders after a conversation said to him,

"Oh, by the way, do you have anyone in your church with babies?"

Our brother said "yes..."

"I have a couple boxes of infant formula which my daughter doesn't need any more, her baby is too old now.  Can you take them and give them to someone who can use them?"

He gratefully accepted the boxes.

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