Tuesday, October 5, 2010


This post is dedicated to Murphy's stout.

I don't often drink the vile watery sludge known as Guinness.

That is because there's a tasty alternative, now widely available.


Or perhaps instead I should say:

I don't often drink the poisonous effluent known as Guinness, but when I do, please roundhouse kick it out of my hand and offer me a Murphy's instead.


Really, though, to be positive, which is the goal of this blog, I should rather simply say:

Try a Murphy's... it will be delicious!


  1. Sweet! I can't wait to roundhouse kick you...er, I mean, try the beer!

  2. I really dislike Guinness. Actually I think I dislike most beers but I will try a Murphy so that I can say I've tried it! :)

  3. Dah Gooz~ please don't roundhouse kick me, for I am allergic to violence (break out in bruises).

    Sunny~ I do hope you enjoy it.
