Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Book Review: The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

This morning I finally finished reading The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein.

It's not a long book, in fact it only took me two days to read it.

Yeah, it's good, but my question is this:

Why did the publishers choose the particular photograph of the author that appears on the back of the dust jacket?

He looks like an angry, crazed mass murderer.


  1. Umm... now that I've researched Shel Silverstein and come to find out he's the world's best-loved children's book writer, he was born in 1930, and he's dead now, well I almost regret the flippant original post.

    The book was published in 1964, so at that time I'm sure he was still a beatnik.

    However, I still stand by my original question. Especially now that I've seen better pictures of him on the internet. Why that scary picture?

  2. My Wendy and I were just talking about this book the other day! We dislike it intensely and think it should be renamed The Selfish Boy.

  3. Ha Ha!

    That's a good idea, renaming the book, which I guess any parent could do by crafting a fake book cover before presenting it to their child.

    Hey, yeah, in that way, they could replace the picture on the back, too!

  4. That settles it! I'm using a pseudonym and no picture!

  5. Gooz, yeah but don't you have to do whatever the publisher tells you to do? At least smile for your photo and don't look mean or killer-like.
