Monday, January 4, 2010

young Manhattan Mandarin singers

(from a January 2, 2010 gathering at the 90 Sands building in Brooklyn: the young ones from the Manhattan Mandarin congregation sing "Jehovah's Warm Appeal: Be Wise, My Son" from the new songbook.)


  1. This is Harrys favourite of the new songs!

    We did Song.95 as part of our family worship last night, as it is included on the meeting schedule this week. We checked out the scriptures and then did some practice.....we did pretty good considering!

  2. The brother who posted this video did so on January 2nd, and he sent an e-mail around saying that he didn't plan to keep it available very long, so please watch it right away.

    Well, I posted it here, and evidently others did similarly, or forwarded the link to others. The video has gone crazy viral!

    On Saturday January 9th (a week after posting) there were 65,000+ hits. Two days later, on January 11th, it has nearly 77,000 hits!!!
