There is a common saying: "I'm no mathematician, but… (finishes with some observation about simple numbers)"
"I'm no mathematician, but doesn't this car only fit four people?"
"I'm no mathematician, but didn't that used to be a man?" (poor example - disturbingly so -- sorry)
In reality, we're all mathematicians. To varying degrees of success.
Some of the big brains like Einstein and Hawking and Feynman have attempted to find equations to describe the beauty of the Universe and everything that is in it.
We lesser minds try to solve the equations of smaller, more localized issues.
Have you ever dreamed of a formula, and it is sheer beauty? Sheer beauty!
Then upon setting it to pen and paper, or typing it into a spreadsheet... "Divide by Zero Error".
The dreaded indication of impossibility.
A solution that must be abandoned. An expression of numbers that simply cannot be made.
Yet it returns to mind a short time later... and again it does seem work... beautifully… while dreamily staring out the window of a desert train on the night of a full moon.