Friday, October 31, 2014

21st Floor

Right now I am so freakin' lucky...  if you gotta have a 9 to 5 and sit at a PC all day...

Might as well be facing a window on the 21st floor!


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Movie Review: The Fault in Our Stars

Wendy rented it while I was out, but she was just about to start it when I got home.

It had been recommended by my niece Daisy in England, and by Mazzy in San Diego (who we met for the first time on Saturday at a Speakeasy).

My review:

It was good.

Love movies with my favorite actor Willem Dafoe in a supporting, nearly-cameo role.

Plenty of amazing lines, no doubt from the book.

Liked it.

Sea Foam Green

O you...

You are so much wiser than I.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Minor Earthquake

Wisps of cotton blow across the road but never seem to hit the windscreen.

There was a minor earthquake yesterday.

It was quite enjoyable... a bit startling at first, though not unexpected, and a fun ride for the duration.

That night was delightfully sleepless.

The next day, however...  surveying the damage... everything has been turned upside down again.

This will take weeks to clean up... or months.

The price of living in Southern California.