Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Weather on Mars

Have I blogged about this before?

Perhaps so... or perhaps I only just intended to.

This will be quick... with little fact-checking and research, relying on memory.

I would LOVE to visit Mars!

The weather?  Well, it's a cold, small, desert planet, with amazing features like a mountain that dwarfs any on Earth, and some pretty red desert landscape.

Would I enjoy a trip to Mars?

No way!

Why not?

Well, it would take 2.5 years to get there.  It has something to do with timing and the orbit of the planet Mars in comparison with the orbit of the planet Earth.

2.5 years in a space craft... it's like 2.5 years in prison.   Can you imagine being in a building (we'll call the space craft a "building" out of kindness... though it's probably not as big as the Discovery in 2001: A Space Odyssey) for 2.5 years?  Not being allowed outside?  That would get old pretty quick.

Would there be artificial gravity inside the craft on this 2.5 year voyage?  There'd need to be!  The long-voyage Cosmonauts all had to be carried from their spacecraft.  All but one, who was religious about exercising fanatically with rubber ropes, doing deep knee bends in zero-gravity.  He walked off.  The rest... carried off for lack of muscle strength and bone density.

What is someone on board takes ill?  How can they get to the hospital?  Well... they're already there, since that's all the hospital they're going to get.

Okay... but what if you get to go with your closest friends?

Sure... remember that long road trip with your closest friends?  How close were you at the end of that week? Ready to part ways?  Well... this trip is 2.5 years long.

The facts may not all be correct, but the feeling is mine... no trips to Mars...  I'll enjoy the red planet remotely with robots and cameras and video and sound.

Oh... but how wonderful it would be stand on Mars?  It would be awesome... I would love to go to Mars.

I just wouldn't want to GO there.

Then I should say I'd love to BE on Mars... but not go there.