Friday, December 30, 2011

Midnight in Paris (DVD)

A soothing curative for someone like me, who suffers from Golden Age Thinking

Zero Tolerance for Distracted Driving This Weekend

They let me off early for good behavior today.

There was an unusual sight pretty deep into the parking area for our business campus: a CHP motorcycle officer was standing next to a car, his motorcycle on its kickstand nearby.


Then when I saw two other police cars parked outside Costco, although it’s probably not related, it did remind me of something I’d heard on KNX 1070 AM radio this morning:

The CHP is doing a zero-tolerance crackdown on distracted driving this weekend!

My first thought when I heard that was wondering whether to warn my co-workers or not.

Then I thought “no” I won’t warn anyone.

Why not?

Because distracted driving is extremely dangerous. Those mentally agonizing months we spent after Wendy’s Honda James was rear-ended all started with some joker rear-ending us on the freeway. Likely texting, though I have no proof.

If I warn people who are offenders, and they’re careful for this one weekend, what good does that do for either them or me?

So no warnings.

Except for you, since you’re reading this!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Pea Eye

If P.C. stands for "politically correct", then P.I. stands for "politically incorrect".

Today I felt quite P.I.

Sitting in a frozen yogurt shop in San Luis Obispo this afternoon, watching all the people pass by, I suddenly realized something.

"You know, Dad, I think you and I are the only ones in town wearing leather jackets".

Wendy and I love SLO and we always go there when visiting my parents.  It's the kind of town where a store called The Hemp Shack does a thriving business.  (In fact that's where I always buy my wallets, having done so for the past several years now).

It's not the kind of town where people wear leather.  At least on the street as casual wear.

Later in the afternoon, on the other side of town, we were shopping in the San Luis Obispo Costco, and

**** This is an unfinished draft from March 10, 2010 ****  I'll just wrap it up now... *****

So bottom line was, we were in San Luis Obispo Costco, and a guy struck up a conversation with me, asking if we were visiting.  I told him my parents lived in Paso Robles, and my wife and I were visiting from San Diego.  So he said something about "I thought so" and then I made a crack about "leather jackets in SLO" and he seemed to agree.

Whatever... I don't care about being politically incorrect!  In fact, I'm as green as the next guy, since I was wearing a recycled jacket!  Yes, my brother owned that 80's-era padded-shoulder sucka... and when it went out of fashion, he gave it to me.