subtitle: Blood At a Low Boil
This Sunday afternoon I walked out of the CVS drugstore holding a bottle of hydrogen peroxide for which I did not pay.
Several yards out, I suddenly realized this, and made a quick U-Turn, saying outloud to a bystander, "I'm the shoplifter... oops!"
One of the contestants on Jeopardy related a story in which they saved the life of a dog who had swallowed poison by giving him hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting, after first checking the expiration date. They mentioned that this product degrades with time.
So today, whilst in the drugstore to get a Covid booster, I thought to grab a new bottle of H-P.
A young man walked in wearing a light-colored hoodie, with a black balaclava underneath it, carrying a black backpack. My subconscious told me immediately "thief" since it's a very hot day today. I followed him to where he'd hurriedly walked to the refrigerated beer section.
Pulling out my phone, I didn't think quickly enough to start the video, but as I rounded the corner I witnessed him pulling two 16-cans of beer of some sort and dropping them into his backpack.
At the top of my lungs I yelled "Shoplifter! Shoplifter" and followed him as he headed to the entrance, which was at the opposite end of the store.
People at the pharmacy heard me as I continued to shout this, and I heard a loudspeaker announcement, "Security to the front entrance". Now the perpetrator started as I again shouted this while in a direct line of sight, and he changed from a brisk walk to a run. He exited the store where he was joined by a companion in a white baseball shirt with vertical black pinstriping. They took off running. My regret is that I did not follow through with the thought of sprinting to the car, following them while calling 911, and guiding in a Sherriff deputy for a bust. I was an eyewitness and would have testified against these punks. They seemed to be on foot.
It's then that I realized I myself had removed a product from the store (bottle of hydrogen peroxide in my hand) and anxious to keep a good reputation, and feeling some fear of being labeled a thief, returned the store quickly.
A man inside the store who had heard my yelling and saw the perp running out said he saw him holding a short black knife in his right hand, arm straight down. I never saw the knife, being on the other side of the thief.
So he and I agreed it was for the best that no one had tried to physically confront him. He would have protected himself by slashing, I'm sure.
Anyway, thanks for letting me express this experience to the Universe, now I can go have some chamomile tea and calm down and let Satan's world be what Satan's world is gonna be.
But yeah don't it make the blood boil? We got diabolical inflation to deal with, then thieves contribute the higher prices (so they say) by stealing merchandise.